Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Top 2 Causes of High Blood Sugar

Top 2 Causes of High Blood Sugar
Causes of high blood sugar should be avoided at all costs. High sugar or also known as having an excessive amount of glucose in the bloodstream can lead to many complications. High levels of sugar in the blood can be caused by a number of medical conditions and other causes. Diabetes, oral contraceptives, chronic pancreatitis, gestational diabetes, Cushing's syndrome, Glucagonoma, Cystic fibrosis, are among the factors that contribute to too much sugar circulating in the bloodstream. If not properly addressed, high sugar in blood can lead to complications and more serious medical conditions.

High blood glucose level in the morning should be properly and carefully paid attention to. More often than not, waking up energetic and having a sugar rush (high glucose levels in the morning) is caused by the inadequate or insufficient dosage of insulin during your sleep. The somogyi effect is said to be one of the main reasons why people wake up with high sugar levels. If you don't eat a snack at night or before bedtime, the blood sugar in the body drops causing the body to produce more hormones to counterpart the decreasing levels of blood sugar. The hormones do their job in your sleep, this result to having higher levels of sugar in the morning than you usually have.

When waking up with high sugar, be sure to spend the day doing something to stay away from diabetic sugar levels. For most people, the good levels of sugar in the body should be from 80 to 120 upon waking up and before having meals. After eating, the level of blood sugar normally goes up to 160 or less. Before ending the day and before going to bed, normal blood sugar levels range from 100 to 140. Of course, high sugar in blood may vary from person to person so it is still best to consult your doctor to make sure you know the right blood glucose range for you.

Blood sugar too high can be a serious problem is not assessed and addressed properly. In fact, one of the complications of having high sugar, diabetes, is becoming to be a common disease, affecting nearly 5% of the US. What's worst, some people with diabetes have been living with the condition without even knowing it. To maintain an average and good levels of sugar going around and supporting the cells of your body, make it a point to check blood sugar by using a blood glucose meter or by making an appointment with your doctor.

Aside from regular visits to your doctor and blood sugar watch, leading a healthy lifestyle and eating right are effective ways to lower blood glucose. To fight the causes of high blood sugar, make it a habit to have a light snack before going to bed. A small snack consisting of mostly protein can be healthy and will prevent your body to react in insulin production while you sleep. Also, exercising at night can also help maintain the level of morning blood sugar in a healthy range.

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